Sunday, March 11, 2018

Wisconsin: Man shoots and kills two Pit Bulls that were mauling his dog

WISCONSIN -- A West Allis man over the weekend shot and killed two other dogs who had his one-year-old pup in their deadly grip.

"I had to shoot the other dogs, unfortunately, to get them to stop the attack," Mike Fay told WISN 12 NEWS on Monday in describing the Saturday afternoon attack near South 59th and West Burnham streets.

Fay said he knew the dogs lived near him but said he never had any problems with them.

On Saturday, however, the larger animals that police described as pit bulls were running loose and set their sights on Pepper.

Fay, a concealed carry permit holder, said he tried to break up the attack, but ran back to his house to get his gun.

"It was a last resort, not something I'd typically just jump out and do," he said. "I wish things had happened differently. ... I was afraid that they were going to kill my dog eventually."

It was in this alley that the two Pit Bulls attacked

Responding officers later gave Fay a ride to a nearby veterinary hospital, where Pepper was already being examined and stitched up in nearly a dozen places.

She was back home Monday, resting on medication with her head in a cone to prevent her from giving attention to her wounds.


Fay's neighbor, who asked to not be publicly identified, said "it was a very unfortunate incident" and that he had no hard feelings against Fay.

Fay said the two men have spoken and said there doesn't seem to be "bad blood" between them.

"He's been very helpful," Fay said. "Everything's working out."

Really? He's not going to be criminally charged at all... so he's free to go buy two more Pit bulls this afternoon. Greaaaaaaaat.


(WISN - March 5, 2018)

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